Wednesday, July 6, 2011

OPI Mermaid Tears (from the 2011 Pirates of the Caribbean Collection)

Hey y''s been way too long! Happy Belated Independence Day!  Mermaid Tears is a greenish aqua creme from the movie-themed collection 2011 Pirates of the Caribbean. OPI is a 4-free brand (free of toulene, DBP, formaldehyde, and camphor.) At first glance, Mermaid Tears reminded me of OPI's limited edition Damone Roberts 1978 (see comparison below) but...Mermaid Tears definitely is more aqua than DR 1978 and is more green than China Glaze For Audrey. It's almost like the lovechild of DR 1978 and For Audrey.

Natural Light
(L to R) China Glaze For Audrey, Mermaid Tears, OPI Damone Roberts 1978 (DR 1978)

It applied great, nice and smooth as most OPI polishes do. Of course I used three coats but two will definitely suffice coverage-wise. One characteristic that I love about Memaid Tears it's sort dingy looking, like it actually been in the sea. For some reason, that brings me joy;-)  Gotta have Mermaid Tears? It retails for $8.99 at your nearest Ulta and other OPI retailers.  For your nearest OPI retailer, visit  

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